Weird Al worried he may have to go “absurdly mega-ultra-weird” for New Orleans show

Neutral Ground News - New Orleans News - Satire

“Weird Al” Yankovic, who is performing at the Saenger on June 13th, has privately voiced concerns to those closest to him that he may have to be the “absolute weirdest Al” yet so as to not seem normal to New Orleanians.

Yankovic, known for his eccentric and exuberant personality, seems to have met his match and thinks his typically adequate “Weird Al” persona may end up “Norm Al” in the Crescent City.

An anonymous source – the best and most reliable kind of source – spoke to the suspicious Neutral Ground News about the legendary artist’s worries, saying Weird Al had recently been “polkacising his demons” in preparation for the performance.

“Places like Austin (Texas) have to work to keep itself weird; in New Orleans, it just comes naturally and that can be intimidating even for someone of his standing,” said the source who claims to be an acquaintance of Al’s.

“I mean, you guys stick babies in cakes. You suck heads in public. You don’t close bars. I was there last week when I saw a man wearing a prom dress casually walking down Decatur in the middle of the day like it was nothing. Look, Weird Al is weird — really weird — but I tell you, he will have to really step up his game to not seem so normal there.”

While the pressure of performing in New Orleans is great, it’s not the only distraction occupying the mind of the award-winning artist.

A statue of Weird Al was recently removed from outside the corporate headquarters of Weight Watchers in Manhattan after claims arose the artist had made several “inappropriate” songs in the 1980s about fat people.

Despite the challenges, Yankovic allegedly said he is up to the task and will bring every weirding way he knows to the Sanger’s stage.

“New Orleans has spice,” said the source, “and like the accordion, it’s a melange of weird!”

If Yankovic does indeed go “atomic weird” and the performance is as epic as expected, the source said talks may soon begin to see about relocating Yankovic’s statue to the city.

“I could see it happening. I mean, I understand they have some pedestals around there they aren’t using.”