Gov. Jindal issues executive order overriding Landrieu’s executive order overriding his executive order

Looking to shield the people of New Orleans from the “misguided leadership” of whom he apparently thinks is actor John Lithgow, Louisiana Governor Bobby “President” Jindal has issued an executive-executive order.

Jindal’s new executive-executive order overrides Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s recently defiant executive order that was issued to override Jindal’s first executive order focusing on “protecting religious freedom.”

“He can’t do that. He can’t triple stamp a double stamp,” said Landrieu, who says he is unfazed by the governor’s anger and inability to tell the difference between he and Lithgow.

Jindal, who is a big Lithgow fan but apparently not enough to tell the difference between he and Landrieu, says the actor’s insubordination is puzzling.

“He was my absolute favorite actor while growing up. I loved him in 3rd Rock From The Sun,” said Jindal. “I’m not sure why he’s doing this, but I think all those years in Hollywood have distorted his sensibilities. I just hope this new executive order finally sets him… straight. Get it? Get it?”

Landrieu’s defiance came after Jindal recently issued an executive order on religious freedom to prevent sanctions against any person or business whose belief in traditional marriage would prevent them from offering certain services to non-traditional couples.

In a clear jab at Jindal who seems to be pandering to his dwindling supporters, Landrieu made sure the public knows his actions are about what is right, not politics.

“I will always fight for the rights of all people in Louisiana, not just those who elect me. Discrimination will never be tolerated in New Orleans. And I am not John Lithgow. Dumbass. I clearly resemble a young Bruce Willis. Yippee ki-yay, goofball guvna.”