An instant hit: Twitter’s “The Sopraneauxs” take out Mandeville

An instant hit - "The Sopraneauxs' take out Mandeville - New Orleans news Louisiana news - Mandeville news - Neutral Ground News

It seems tweeters are trying to Neutralize us, the satiric record of Greater New Orleans and its people, with a thread about the Sopranos living on the Northshore.

“What the hell is Neutralize, Newt?” The Editor asked me.

I told him it’s a verb associated with wildly imaginative fiction that sounds like it comes directly from us, but it doesn’t.

“Let’s do a plagiarism check,” The Editor said.

It told him that’s not a good idea.

“We don’t want to make false accusations,” I said.

“Just think of it as people who think like us. The tweeters say Carmela, Tony’s wife, makes a damn good Goombah Ya-Ya.”

I asked The Editor if I could post some of the best of the Northshore Sopranos thread on our site and he said OK after I said it will get more hits than Tony has delivered in his lifetime. So here I go.

Brennan, and I don’t mean Myles Brennan, kicked things off with his inspired “Sopranos” TV series revisionist pitch.

The goofy idea led to hours of work-shopping late into the night and into the next morning.

Ooohhh yeah, “The Sopraneaux.” Stealing it and changing it to “The Sopraneauxs.” Of course, Dr. Funroe gets all the credit and whatever residuals come her way.

The plotlines capture the spirit of a spectacular spoof of “The Sopranos,” the HBO drama about families of Italian-American mobsters in New Jersey. Hey, the plotlines are another opportunity to pilfer, this time while using my Brother’s chicken-stained fingers to copy and paste. Once again, the credit and checks will go to others.

Bing! The Sopraneauxs is an instant hit.

Tony Sopraneaux does crawfish boils in his Mandeville McMansion where of course he’s in charge of boiling while Carmela brings the Zatarain’s and Urban South beers.