Times-Picayune reassures ignorant locals of Mitch Landrieu’s greatness

Neutral Ground News - New Orleans News - Satire

Welcome to “Odds & Ends“, where we report on real news that
looks like it could be satire but it’s really, seriously, and sadly not.

With Mayor Mitch Landrieu heading toward the exit of his final term leading the city of New Orleans, many will wonder what his legacy is. Fortunately, the enlightened editorial board of NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune has reassured ignorant citizens that Landrieu has made the city stronger over his eight-year reign.

Weak mayors govern and then write about it after retiring. Not strong mayors who want to make their city and image stronger.

Mitch Landrieu, while meeting the incredibly demanding schedule of being the mayor of a major U.S. city, was also able to write, publish, and promote a book at a ridiculously fast pace just in time for a traveling tour across the country before leaving office but just not during Tricentennial festivities when the national spotlight is on the city because he loves New Orleans and definitely for no other reasons.

If you’ve ever thought differently than Mayor Mitch Landrieu has made New Orleans stronger than you need to educate yourself with this editorial.

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