WikiLeaks releases hacked playbook of LSU coach Les Miles

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Politicians aren’t the only ones falling victim to cyber hacking this year.

Just days after LSU’s stunning 16-14 upset loss to Wisconsin, Wikileaks, the anti-secrecy whistle-blower group, has released the hacked offensive playbook of the Tigers.

The 114-page document reveals just five offensive plays — four of them show handoffs to the running back and the fifth, titled “For emergency situations only,” is a wild pass to an opposing player — and 109 coloring book pages of characters from the popular movie Frozen.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who has previously been criticized for releasing private documents, stated that he believes football fans have a right to know how competent the coaches leading their team is.

“It’s pretty obvious by way of this revelation that the coaches of LSU’s football team lied repeatedly to fans and the media when they said they would improve the offense this past offseason,” said Assange. “This may be the most offensive offensive playbook in the history of football, including Pop Warner where the plays are always, ‘everyone go deep.’”

LSU coach Les Miles, who originally denied the leaked playbook was authentic, reversed course when reached for comment by Neutral Ground News and said the information was old.

I tell you what, this playbook was from last week, clearly,” said Miles. “A lot has changed since then, you know?”

WikiLeaks exposes LSU's Les Miles playbook

According to WikiLeaks, hackers were able to gain access to the LSU playbook by guessing Miles’ login for his computer with a username of “Grassman” and password of “password123.”

Miles said his staff has spent much of the week adjusting its playbook in wake of the leak.

“We’ve always run to the right side of the line, so it was strange telling Leonard Fournette to run to the left side of the line this week,” Miles said. “But I think we’ve got it, and boy, opposing defenses won’t know what to do with those changes. I promise you that.”